lady gaga

LadyGaga met performance artist Lady Starlight during this time and, following a performance at Lollapalooza Festival in 2007 Gaga was signed by Vince Herbert to Streamline Records which is an imprint of Interscope Records. Gaga was an apprentice songwriter in the course of an apprenticeship at Famous Music Publishing. This company was later acquired and rebranded Sony/ATV Music Publishing. Gaga was hired to create music for Britney, Fergie, New Kids on the Block, and the Pussycat dolls. At Interscope, singer-songwriter Akon recognized her vocal abilities when she sang a reference vocal for one of his tracks in studio; Akon then convinced Interscope-Geffen-A&M Chairman and CEO Jimmy Iovine to form a joint deal by having her also sign with his own label Kon Live, making her his "franchise player. The album that Gaga first released, "The Fame", was released in 2008, with very little public attention. Gaga then toured Europe as well as performed in gay clubs across the US in support of The Fame album. Gaga made her debut on the scene in 2009 with her smash single "Just Dance". Gaga suffered a labral tear in her right hip. she was nursing for several weeks with the hope that she would be able to continue the tour. After a show in Toronto was a disaster for her, she was unable walk, and with a lot of pain, she was taken to a hospital to undergo surgery. the tour was cut short.


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